mercoledì, novembre 07, 2012

So it has come to this

So, it has come to this.

It's been a long time since I last wrote anything on this blog, mainly because I was too busy with real life problems to focus on javascript and programming in general.

Most of you probably has already notice that I'm now listed in the page,
while after the hackathon I didn't contribute as much as the past I'm proud to be one of the developer for this marvelous framework.

I will move soon to London (as in 2 days from now), where I'll join a new Company, after 8 years in the old one.

In this 8 years I learnt a lot, I got the chance to develop on multiple platforms, learn new programming languages, learn good patterns, made some good stuff (and some less good).

London will be surely the best place to improve my english, that kinda sucks right now, also London is the best place to further improve my skills, since there are lot of talk and meetup to visit, and maybe giving a talk as soon as my english improve a bit.

Once there I'll start again writing about javascript, MooTools and stuff like that.

About MooTools, stay tuned because there are really awesome stuff quite ready to be showed and talked about, so I will have lot of things to write in the next month, this blog will be alive once again \o/

See you soon ;)

1 commento:

Bepi el boaro ha detto...

Ciò ma ti xe ancora vivo! Varda che ti te gà desmentegà l'aratro impissà... ea vacca xe qua chea siga parchè ea vol da magnar!!!