venerdì, aprile 14, 2006



Some months ago I found that innerHTML is not a standard way to manipulate HTML. Actually it is a proprietary implementation followed by many browser, althought it's very close to a de-facto standard and a lot faster that DOM actions.
So I learnt what could replace innerHTML as the combinations of createElement, insertBefore or the better replaceChild, setAttribute; so I wrote the code this way...

However I felt the need to write HTML directly into a node in a single step.
So I thought and I wrote a function ResToDom that appends an object in eval-notation
down to a node. Recently I felt it wasn't enough.
What I really needed was a function that used that EVAL-Notation object and replace a node (as innerHTML does). I rewrite the whole resToDom into innerDom (i used two different names as the functions are different).

Innerdom takes an object in EVAL notation and tries to convert it into HTML.
this object has 2 special properties:

TAG "the name of the tag to create"
INNER "what tag contains"

If innerDom finds an array it concatenates the nodes into a single node, so if used to write:

document.getElementById("node").innerHTML="aaa <b>some bold text<b/>";

now you can write it as:

innerDom("node",[{TAG:'a',name:'aa'},' ',{TAG:'b',INNER:'some bold text'}]);

Isn't that sw33t?

why EvaL-Notation?

because JSON it nowadays very frequently used joint with AJAx.

Here the Code

1 commento:

Vero Programmatore ha detto...

Uhm, a quanto pare anche tu sei un Vero Programmatore... vieni a trovarmi sul mio blog!